Members only Colossians Featured 😮 The Shocking Metaphor for Your New Life in Christ (Colossians 2:11-12) Paul compares the permanency of mercy through Christ to an ancient Biblical ritual.
Colossians American gods Crowding the True Gospel (Colossians 2:8-10) Paul takes aim at the empty icons of society which seek to empty the Gospel of its power.
Colossians Featured Living like Jesus by Walking like Him (Colossians 2:6-7) Paul's practical antidote to walking in the shadows is walking like Jesus, the Light of the world.
Colossians Seeking Sophia: Wisdom's Source & Why it Matters (Colossians 2:1-3) Paul tackles a growing belief system head-on by glorifying Christ foremost.
Colossians Above All Names: An Ode to the Supremacy of Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15-20) Paul's majestic poem of praise to the name that started it all...
Members only Colossians Rescued. Adopted. Transplanted. God's Will for you in a Snapshot (Colossians 1: 12-14) Paul offers a clear thesis for the Christian life to a church caught between two worlds.
Colossians Featured This Other-Centered Prayer will Change the World (Colossians 1:9-10) Paul's epic prayer for a church he's never met is one for us to emulate.
Members only Colossians A Jail Cell and Hope Unbound (Colossians 1:3-6) The Apostle Paul is jailed but is so thankful for a church's impact. They are gushing the Gospel and changing the world. We can too.
Rest The Spectacular Finish to the Bible's Long View of Rest (Hebrews 4:8-11) On the final "Sabbath-rest" for God's people and a challenge for all of us.
Rest Find your Place: Respite & Solitude with God (Mark 1:35-37) Even the Son of God needed respite with the Father. Where's your place?
Letters A Big Problem Requires a Big Response (1 John 2:1-2) Deepwater Horizon. The sins of mankind. And God's radical and massive solution to the world's biggest problem.
Letters The Lifecycle of Sin (James 1:13-15) Wake up. Eat. Work. Live. But we know there's so much more to our inner-lives than daily motions. James explains the clear choices which lead to sin.
Gospels Yeah, He's "Still Rolling Stones" (John 11:38-44) The climactic and surprising ending to the story of Lazarus offers the final word on death and suffering.
Gospels Featured Did Jesus Feel Pain or Sadness? (John 11:32-37) The story of Lazarus offers an interlude of mourning—and the shortest verse of the Bible.
Members only James Consider it Pure Joy 😜 (James 1:2-4) A quick status report on Scripture Sauce, and on the joy of serving God in all circumstances.
Gospels No Dead Messiahs Here (John 11:23-27) On the greatest claim anyone could make. And the concrete, living hope we have in Christ.
Gospels Something Huge is on the Horizon (John 11:17-24) In the face of death, Jesus hints at the future reality of the "resurrection at the last day."
Gospels ☀️ "I am going there to awaken him..." (John 11:11-15) Jesus's stunning answer to pain, suffering, and death.
Gospels What Jesus' Endurance through Testing Means for You (Matthew 4:1-4) What the testing of Jesus means for those facing testing of their own. Plus, some super cool connections to Deuteronomy!
Gospels Marked by Mercy: Jesus Calls You to more than Polite Hospitality (Luke 10:36-37) Jesus' dramatic conclusion to the story of the Good Samaritan, a parable on what it means to be a true neighbor.
Gospels Costly Love: It's Necessary & Worth it (Luke 10:34-35) Part 3 of the parable of the good Samaritan. Jesus shares the HOW of being a good neighbor. It's costly. It's risky. But, it's worth it.
Gospels Seeing Others Leads to Selfless Action (Luke 10:30-33) Part 2 of the parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus answers the man's question with a story that challenges all of us to lead with empathy.
Gospels Will You be My Neighbor? (Luke 10:25-21) Someone challenges Jesus on the definition of who a neighbor is, and His response leaves the man stunned.
Love Our debt to love: A reflection on the Moms in our lives A special edition celebrating mothers and their selfless love for us. The Bible talks about a "debt to love" for each other, and moms rock this kind of love.