The Tapestry of Our Faith
Our faith and the Scriptures are like a tapestry. Up close, the colors may seem to clash at first. The threads are wild, but as we zoom out, mature, and see it in the context of the tapestry of God’s plans, the convergence of grace and God’s story makes a lot more sense.
Threads and Patterns
Your faith and the Scriptures are like a tapestry. Up close, the colors seem to clash. The threads are wild, and patterns are indiscernible.
As each thread slides through the needle’s eye, it takes its place in the larger picture, slowly and patiently.

You can only guide one thread at a time. You have no control what has been threaded or what will come next.
Similarly, like a single detail in Scripture, a thread can seem out of place or to clash with nearby colors:
- Wait—Moses smashes the stone tablets of the covenant…in anger. Isn’t he Gods chosen mediator for Israel?
- God asks Abram to sacrifice his only son as an offering! Why is this happening?
When zoomed-in, a single thread may seem misplaced or jarring with its bright orange and coarse tangles.
But as you zoom out, that wild thread starts to make sense. It brings out the beauty and colors of its surrounding threads. It’s at this point you begin to see that jarring thread’s role in the tapestry’s larger themes.

And as your faith matures, you see the threads of your life in the context of the tapestry of God.
This is where those jarring memories and wild threads of pain converge with the grace of God. Garrish greens mixed with deep purples complement each other as the threads tighten, strengthening the tapestry into its beautiful structure.

When you look closely at a section of the tapestry, those challenging threads begin to blend. It’s here you see how that scene in Scripture or moment in your life contributed to a pattern of faithfulness and mercy.
"This is where those jarring memories and wild threads of pain converge with the grace of God."
Finally, the tapestry is complete.
You can embrace the entirety of Scripture and your life as a variety of threads, woven into a piece of art. Something you can handle and see. Something you can share with others to bring them warmth. A tangible narrative of God’s goodness throughout the entirety of the Bible and your life.

Looking Back at the Tapestry
The story of Abram offering up his son is jarring. It’s meant to shock the reader. It was meant to test Abram’s faith in God (remember, Abram had laughed at the idea God would allow him to father a child in old age).
But this shocking thread of Scripture complements the calming hues of grace and provision which come next. As Abram is about to slay his son, God stops him and provides a ram for the sacrifice. We learn God had never intended for Isaac to die at the hand of his father. Rather, God wanted to bless all the nations of the world through Isaac. At this point, Abram becomes Abraham, and his faith becomes a persisting theme throughout all of the Bible.
Fast-forward centuries. Christ came, was crucified, and raised to life. Later, the author of the book of Hebrews is encouraging his readers to endure and stay faithful. And he uses the threads of Abraham’s life and other stories to illustrate a key point:
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.
Hebrews 6:10-12
That faith of Abraham is one we are meant to imitate.
When Abraham had to offer up his only son, he didn't have a complete perspective of that jarring thread. He had no idea it would work for the beauty of God’s people for centuries to come. But looking back, Abraham could see God's hand tightly weaving a story to bless others.
We have such a privileged position in history. The tapestry of God is vibrant, complex, and full of narrative. We have the stories of Ruth, Abraham, and the Apostles to guide us and to illustrate God's goodness. But more importantly, we have the testimony of God's Son added to this tapestry. Now, we get to weave our stories into the tapestry to showcase the beauty of Christ to all people.
🔥 Bonus Sauce!
"Tapestry weaving is a living art."
Watch this video to grow your appreciation for tapestry weaving and God's hand in your life!