Find your Place: Respite & Solitude with God

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”

Mark 1:35-37 (NIV)

Respite & Solitude

The crowds surrounded Jesus.

Their needs were great. Their sins heavy. Their illnesses plenty. But, Jesus always found time to declare His goodness, to heal them, and to point them to repentance and healing.

Though often busy with others, Jesus made sure he got away from the crowds to a “solitary” place. He’d seek solitude with the Father before a major decision or under distress.

Finding your Place

People look up to “successful” giants who push 60+ hour work weeks. But is that what success really looks like?

Even the Son of God needed respite with the Father.

Where is your place?

Where do you go to build that habit of prayer, worship, and communion with God?

During our family’s mourning after having lost my father, many have told us “talking will help bring healing.” But how often do we see prayer as our chance to vent our soul’s needs to God and to bring healing?

We all need our place.

We all need respite, and Jesus has set the example.

Where’s your place?

Where do you find that essential respite and devotional time with with God?

"We all need respite, and Jesus has set the example."

More to Savor 😋

The work week is hard enough. Devotional time in the Word is strained. And, the Bible can be a hard book to read.

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