The Sauce has Shipped.

Why the sauce?

A great hot sauce is an heirloom. It’s passed on, shared, and injected into our favorite foods.

Hot sauces can be savory, sweet, or fiery. A small dab transforms any dish and spices-up the blandest-of-the-bland.

For me, I store my favorite bottle of sauce at work and at home, so I will never be without.

However, I’ve found the holy Scriptures to be my most needed sauce in life. One I must apply liberally, soak in, and savor each day.

And now, I’m passing the bottle to you.

Your dab of Bible Goodness

By subscribing to Scripture Sauce, you will get a weekly-ish dab of the Bible straight to your inbox, so you won’t have to worry about missing an un-sauced week.

Each newsletter will include a dab of Scripture, briefly explained and reflected on to transform your day. And like all great sauces, consistency is key. Though my theme is tongue-in-cheek, I value the Scriptures like treasure and want to pass them on to you with the utmost care.

In other words, I don’t want to shatter the bottle, misplace it, or misuse it.

Join other saucers

Be part of a community of Scripture-savoring people. The daily dabs will always be free to subscribe to, and I want to add some extra value for paid subscribers one day. But in the meantime, keep a lookout for discussion threads as we savor together!

Thanks for looking over our sauce. Now, crack ‘er open and apply liberally to life.